The magic number you need to save at every age to become a 401k millionaire, revealed by retirement expert ROBERT BROKAMP

New Photo - The magic number you need to save at every age to become a 401k millionaire, revealed by retirement expert ROBERT BROKAMP

The magic number you need to save at every age to become a 401k millionaire, revealed by retirement expert ROBERT BROKAMP

Kim Calder has been working since she was 22 and is looking forward to finally retiring this year. For many Americans this can be a stressful time as they worry about not having enough money to see them through their later years. But this is not the case for Kim, who is set to celebrate her 63rd birthday next month. That's because not only is she a so-called 401(K) millionaire, she is a 401(K) multi-millionaire with almost $4 million tucked away in retirement savings.
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