RFK Jr.s Alleged Troubling History with Animals: Blending Mice, Freezing Roadkill, Staging a Bear Accident and Beheading a Whale

New Photo - RFK Jr.s Alleged Troubling History with Animals: Blending Mice, Freezing Roadkill, Staging a Bear Accident and Beheading a Whale

RFK Jr.s Alleged Troubling History with Animals: Blending Mice, Freezing Roadkill, Staging a Bear Accident and Beheading a Whale

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is claimed to have a troubling history with animals, from allegedly blending mice to beheading a whaleThe longtime falconer, who is President Donald Trump's nominee for Secretary of Health, collects roadkill to feed his birds of prey.Caroline Kennedy called her cousin a "predator" in her letter to senators on Tuesday, Jan. 28 On the eve of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s confirmation hearings to become the country's next health secretary, his cousin Caroline Kennedy made a shocking claim that revived the conversation about his relationship with animals.
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