I sold everything I own to pursue my 'taboo' passion... my parents were shocked but 'I'm rich'

New Photo - I sold everything I own to pursue my 'taboo' passion... my parents were shocked but 'I'm rich'

I sold everything I own to pursue my 'taboo' passion... my parents were shocked but 'I'm rich'

One man is taking the New Year 'fresh start' spirit literally. Pasquale Guiducci from Los Angeles has given up his apartment and sold almost all of his belongings to travel the world and teach naked yoga. The 34-year-old overhauled his entire life by getting rid of material possessions that were 'tethering' him down and is now living out of a suitcase with plans to traverse the globe. Mr Guiducci said: 'I've sold all of my stuff and just have a suitcase.
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